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Upcoming Virtual Lectures: Winter 2021

The Cultural Heritage Training and Education Center “Cult-HeEd” at Helwan University announces the launch of a new series of virtual lectures for June– September 2021 that address a wide range of topics, emerging issues and best practices in the Heritage and Museum fields. All workshops and webinars are coordinated by highly qualified academic staff, consultants, and specialists in the respective fields and address to students and researchers of undergraduate and postgraduate heritage programs; employees at cultural and heritage organizations; university and school teaching staff; and the public at large.


Cult-HeEd Lectures and Workshops are Presented in Cooperation with the:

  1. Egyptian Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities: The Administration of Cultural Development and Community Engagement, Minister's Office. Also, in cooperation with the Administration of Conservation of Mummies and Human Remains Storeroom; the Registration, Collections Management, and Documentation Department; and the Repatriation of Antiquities Department.
  2. The Egyptian Heritage Rescue Foundation EHRF.
  3. The General Administration for Cairo Heritage Preservation at Cairo Governorate.

You must register for each webinar/workshop you wish to attend

To register, interested people are kindly requested to fill registration form  and send it to  Cult-HeEd@hq.helwan.edu.eg

                       (registration deadline is 48 hours prior to each event)


For any queries and/or further details kindly contact

Prof. Dr. Rasha Metawi

Director of the Cultural Heritage Training 

and Education Center “Cult-HeEd” at: 

Mobile: 001009722392 

Email address: Cult-HeEd@hq.helwan.edu.eg


Lecture 1

Lecture Topic: "Pottery in Archaeology” Why do archaeologists study pottery?

Date: Saturday, June 26th 

Duration: 18:00 – 19:00


Pottery is an unmatched material to help gain an understanding of people in the past. Simple clay objects and surfaces, shapes, and decorations are a powerful key for unlocking the everyday actions and know-how of people who lived long ago. The lecture sheds light on The archaeological importance of the study of pottery, and many lessons to be learned in both practice and utility. It analyzes the application of scientific methods to the clay itself that can also give great insight to the archaeologist; then the talk elaborates on Pottery Studies and Archaeometry, Between Scientific Analyses and Archaeological Interpretation, and the importance of pottery studies in the history of archaeology as a discipline

Presented by 

Dr. Shreif Mohamed Abdelmenem 


Mobile phone: + 201065298717 

Director of Ceramic Studies Unite Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities 

imagePh.D. in Egyptian Archeology with honors degree from the Faculty of Archeology, Department of Egyptology, Cairo University


Lecture 2

Lecture Topic: "Mallawy Museum from Destruction to Rehabilitation".

Date: Saturday 3rd July

Duration: 18:00 to 19:00


Mallawi Museum is the museum of ancient Egyptian antiquities in Minya Governorate, Upper Egypt. It was established in 1963 to house archaeological finds from local excavations. It held an important collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts until it was looted in August 2013. The talk elaborates the events that the Mallawi Museum went through in 2013 and the efforts made by the Ministry of Antiquities represented in the Museums Sector to rehabilitate the Museum, where the majority of artifacts were recovered, handed in by Malawi residents, or left at the museum’s gates after the ministry declared an amnesty on the return of any looted artifacts. The second part of the talk presents the reasons that contributed to the destruction of the Mallawi Museum, the role the museum is playing at present to communicate with the surrounding community, and the importance of community communication in integrating the museum with society focusing on the new design concept of the museum that provides a broader educational service to visitors; It informs Egyptian visitors about how their ancestors built a great civilization, showing Al-Minya residents' daily lives in ancient times, their industries, handicrafts, and culture.

Presented by 

Dr. Ahmed Hemeda

A Ph.D. in Museum Studies

Mail: amhemeda@hotmail.com 

imageGeneral Director of Akhenaten museum and the Supervisor of the Central Administration of Regional Museums (Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities), a member of the UNESCO committee overseeing the rehabilitation of Mallawi Museum. Ahmed Hemeda also supervised the works on Sohag National Museum and is currently working on developing training programmes to raise the efficiency of Upper Egyptian museums. 


Lecture 3

Lecture Topic: Explore the Collection of Coins at the Egyptian Museum 

Date: Saturday, 10th July

Duration 18:00 to 19:00


The Department of Coins at the Egyptian Museum is home to one of the world's finest numismatic collections. The talk aims to define numismatics and the beginning of coin dealing, Numismatics is the science studying the coins and the objects connected with them. It is an auxiliary branch of archaeology. Massive production, circulation, and acceptance made the coin a very powerful political and religious dissemination tool. Besides, many coins were minted with a commemorative or foundational purpose, consolidating the idea of the coin as a distinguishing mark in the user and pointing out a sense of belonging to a home country or territory. Coins, as with other forms of material culture, are an important primary resource and provide key information regarding the past. The talk explores the different attitudes and approaches to the display of coins in the Egyptian museum that includes a wonderful collection from different ages, from the 7th century B.C. until the Islamic period. The talk is of special interest to the museum employee and offers advice for achieving the optimal potential from even the most modest coin collection.

Presented by 

Fatma Ali Abbas Mohamed

Mail: Fatmaali_mus@yahoo.com

Tel: 01005466502

Curator of Egyptology and Numismatics in coins and papyrus department, responsible for coins’ collection; Ph.D. candidate in numismatics and comparative art; ITP fellow International Training Programme of the British Museum; attended the Museology and site management program in Germany, organized by the German Institute in Egypt; MA in numismatics and comparative art. A master's degree in comparative art (comparison study between the artistic scenes on coins and the ancient Egyptian art) from the faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University; Diploma in History of Art, Cairo University.


Lecture 4

Lecture Topic: "Tips for Museum Exhibit Design and the Rise of Interactive Displays in Museums".

Date: Saturday, 24th July

Duration: 18:00-19:00


What makes a good museum exhibit? Even exhibits with rooms full of valuable artifacts can fall flat without strategic, thoughtful design. There’s a lot of hard work and planning that goes into creating an exhibit that is functional, educational, and pleasing to the eye. The talk sheds light on the tips for museum design exhibit where every museum exhibit should tell a story, rather than being a random assortment of displays. The talk analyzes the rise of interactive displays in museums that are beginning to attract large numbers of visitors, particularly amongst the younger age groups. Interactive displays in museums can be in a variety of formats such as video walls, touch screen kiosks, or virtual reality devices that can make history seem exciting and lifelike. The main conclusion and reflection of the talk are based on how this new era of technology allows increasing physical, cognitive, and sensory accessibility, and transforms this kind of experience for the disabled public.

Presented by 

Dr. Dina Ibrahem Soliman Shalabi 

Mail:dsoliman_isis@hotmail.com   : thaopsty@yahoo.com

Mobile phone: 002: 01222963253 – 01005369197


Assistant professor of History and Archeology of Egypt and the Ancient Near East, Faculty of Archeology and Tourism Guidance. Misr University for Science and Technology. She has a Ph.D. in Egyptian Archeology with honors degree from the Faculty of Arts, Department of Egyptian and Islamic History and Antiquities, Alexandria University, 2017 on the subject of "Mutual influences in religious thought in the cultural centers of the Arabian Gulf and the ancient Near East civilizations from the middle of the third millennium BC until the end of the first millennium BC”. Former Member of the Development Committee of the Egyptian Museum under the auspices of the Office of the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities. 


Lecture 5

Lecture Topic: Museum Types: Criteria for Classification and Standardizing


ate: Saturday 7th August 

Duration: 18:00 – 19:00



The lecture is based on a recent research carried out by the lecturer on the types of museums with the aim to establish and introduce clear criteria and standards for museum classification. With a full understanding of the historical development of museums, it aims to identify the ethical standards for classification. Literature as well as academic and professionals often list museum types without indicating what the standards that have been applied, nor even illustrating the standards and criteria for classification, which causes interference, and mixing between certain types that have been classified according to different standards


Presented by 


Dr. Mohamed Gamal Rashed 

Mail: mohamedgamal_1@yahoo.com

Phone: 002-01066607209

Dr. Mohamed Gamal Rashed is the acting head of Museum Management Department at the Faculty of Archaeology, Damietta University, Egypt. He is also a visiting lecturer in Museum Studies and Egyptology at the French University in Egypt; Helwan University; Arab Academia in Aswan; Port Said University. He is a Board member of ICOM CIPEG: The International Committee for Egyptian Collections under the International Council of Museums, and a Co-editor for the CIPEG Journal (https://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/cipeg/about/editorialTeam). Prior to his DU appointment, Dr. RASHED held several curatorial and managerial positions at the Egyptian Museum (EMC) and the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM). Dr. Rashed got his PhD. in Egyptology from Cairo University (2010); and a post doctorate in Museum Studies as a curatorial fellow of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and IFA-NYU, NY (2012); a Post-doctorate in Egyptology from Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany (2013). 


Lecture 6

Lecture Topic: محاضرة الملكية الفكرية آلية حماية التراث الثقافي غير المادي 

The Intellectual Property mechanism for Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage

Date: Sunday, 8th August

Duration: 18:00 – 19:00


يتمايز التراث الثقافى إلى نوعين: “تراث ثقافى مادى” يتمثل فى معالم أثرية وأماكن ثقافية وغيرها، و”تراث ثقافى غير مادى” يتمثل فى ممارسات ومعارف وتقاليد وفنون ومهارات، تشكل بموافقة الجماعة المحلية تراث ثقافى غير مادى لها. نناقش تساؤل حول إمكانية إسباغ حماية قانونية على عناصر التراث الثقافي غير المادي، والمبررات الإقتصادية والثقافية والإجتماعية والسياسية للحماية، ومعوقات هذه الحماية، ومدي انطباق آلية الملكية الفكرية بنوعيها (الملكية الصناعية- الملكية الأدبية والفنية)، وموقف المشرع المصري والاتفاقيات  الدولية من حماية هذا الوافد الجديد على النظام القانوني.  تنقسم المحاضرة إلى جزئين، نتناول فى الأول رصد وتقييم التنظيم الدستورى والتشريعى القائم لصون التراث الثقافى غير المادى فى مصر، لنخصص الثانى لدراسة ما هو مأمول فى الحماية القانونية للتراث الثقافى غير المادى

قراءات ما قبل المحاضرة: ٥٠ من الدستور المصرى الحالى الصادر عام ٢٠١٤ ، يمكن الاطلاع عليه على


مرفق بدى أف تفصيلى

الدكتور أحمد سعيد عزت عامر: محاضر فى القانون وخبير الملكية الفكرية والتراث الثقافي الحائز على جائزة الدولة التشجيعية في العلوم القانونية والاقتصادية


Lecture 7

Lecture Topic:  Publishing & Access: Important steps on the way to Documentation and Preservation of Egypt Cultural Heritage

“Documents from the Heritage of the Khedival Family Book” 

Date: Saturday, 21st August 

Duration: 18:00 – 19:00


The talk elaborates on the book titled Documents from the Heritage of the Khedival Family contains rare documents and opens up trails about what life in Egypt was like during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The book presents documents within their historic realm and a scan of the original documents and a translation from French to Arabic of the original texts. The talk sheds light on the social history and intangible heritage that such documents represent where the importance of these documents lies in the fact that they tell history from a very unconventional angle, and some reveal the personalities of people like Hussein Fakhry who was a strong leader and his administration was very strict. Hussein Fakhry Pasha was the Prime Minister of Egypt for three days during the Khedivate of Egypt. He was Prime Minister from January 15, 1893 to January 18, 1893. He had previously served as a cabinet minister. The documents also show how the government’s administrative work flow was back in the day, and how prompt its response was to complaints and requests. The documents reflect how there were no barriers between the citizen and government official; then the talk elaborates the documentation of the daily social rituals at the khedival period.

Presented by 

Dr. Riham Arram

A UNESCO national expert for intangible heritage, and the General Manager of the Cairo Heritage Preservation Department in the Cairo Governorate; an archaeologist with a Ph.D in Ancient Egyptian civilization and a wealth of experience in the tourism field. Through her work in the Cairo Governorate for ten years, she took part in many projects in historic Cairo and was responsible for co-coordinating and managing a number of rehabilitation and regeneration projects in the old city 

Mail: Riham.arram@yahoo.com /   riham.assist@cairo.gov.eg


Lecture 8

Lecture Topic: Explore Newcastle Museums (ITP British Museum International Training Program experience) 

Date: Saturday, 3rd September 

Duration: 18:00 -19:00


The talk elaborates on the Newcastle Museums that aim to be an accessible, vibrant center where there are always things to see, do and learn. The Talk sheds light on the experience of the ITP British Museum International Training Program that seeks to expose participants to various aspects of museum work, develop skills, disseminate best practices, increase specialist knowledge and create a global network of colleagues. Every summer, the British Museum runs a training program for museum and heritage professionals from around the world, with up to 26 participants spending six weeks in the UK. The talk sheds light on the Newcastle centre museum that is the place to learn about Newcastle where you can discover all sorts about the city at the Newcastle Story, which takes you on a journey from Roman times to the early millennium, then the talk presents the Segedunum Roman Fort, Baths and Museum that is Located at the eastern end of Hadrian’s Wall – Wallsend, in North Tyneside – the Roman fort at Segedunum is the most completely excavated fort on Hadrian’s Wall. 

Presented by 

Dr. Shreen Amin 


Shreen Mohamed Amin Taher is the Director of the Children’s Museum at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. She holds degrees and has a research background in translation, Egyptology and cultural heritage management. Her current work involves designing workshops, programmes and events for classes, groups or individuals to engage them with the objects of the Egyptian Museum. On top of her role as Director of the Children’s Museum, Shreen was assigned as Head of the main museum’s Education Departments at the Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities in April 2019. She is also in charge of university engagements programmes at the Cultural Administration and Minister of Tourism & Antiquities.