
The Cultural Heritage Training and Education Center and the UNESCO Chair on Cultural Heritage Education at Helwan University organized a 3 days’ workshop entitled “Cultural Heritage in Egypt and the Role of Education in Valorizing and Preserving It”. The workshop aimed at opening new horizons in cultural heritage education, presenting and discussing leading experiences in this field, and promoting the implementation of game-based learning in the field of cultural heritage at schools, universities, museums and heritage sites. The workshop was attended by academic staff, undergraduate and post graduate students from the faculties of Education and was concluded with a contest among participating students for the best Interactive educational activity applying on the Social Studies curriculum for the primary stage

virtual session today (Topic Talaat Harb Pasha Museum” A national economic identity in Egypt )

Virtual Lecture Topic: Designing the exhibition – reshaping the educational role of the museum

Webinar 1 Photos

Re-Imaging Museums and Heritage Sites for the Future: Identifying Key Challenges and Priorities during and in the Aftermath of COVID-19 Pandemic.

Webinar 2 Photo

Heritage Education for Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Development

Lecture 3
The Place and the People: Community Engagement in the Heritage Field in Egypt