Lectures 1

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Upcoming Online Lectures: Feb – April 2021

The Cultural Heritage Training and Education Center “Cult-HeEd” at Helwan University announces the launch of a new series of online lectures for February – April 2021 that address a wide range of topics, emerging issues and best practices in the Heritage and Museum fields. All lectures are coordinated by highly qualified academic staff, consultants, and specialists in the respective fields and address to students and researchers of undergraduate and postgraduate heritage programs; employees at cultural and heritage organizations; university and school teaching staff; and the public at large.

Cult-HeEd Lectures are Presented in Partnership with the:

  1. Egyptian Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities: The Administration of Cultural Development and Community Engagement, Minister’s Office. Also, in cooperation with the Administration of Conservation of Mummies and Human Remains Storeroom; the Registration, Collections Management, and Documentation Department; and the Repatriation of Antiquities Department.

You must register for each webinar/workshop you wish to attend

To register, interested people are kindly requested to fill a registration form.

                     (registration deadline is 48 hours prior to each event)

For any queries and/or further details kindly contact

Prof. Dr. Rasha Metawi

Director of the Cultural Heritage Training 

and Education Center “Cult-HeEd” at: 

Mobile: 001009722392 

Email address: Cult-HeEd@hq.helwan.edu.eg


Lecture 1

Title: Cultural Heritage Documentation, Principles and Practice

Date:  Sunday, Feb 28th  

Duration (18:00- 19:00)

Speaker: Marwa Abdel Razek Mahmoud Badr El Din


Head of the Registration, Collections Management, and Documentation Department (RCMDD) at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (EMC); PhD. Candidate in Egyptology Department, Faculty of Archaeology. Cairo University, MA in Egyptology from the Faculty of Archaeology. Cairo University. With a vast experience in the field of collection management and documentation, she participated in a number of international conferences and lectured, as a guest speaker, at many institutions around the world such as: The International Congress for Young Egyptologists, Leiden University. the Netherlands 2019; The polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw (PCMA) 2017; the Louvre Museum, Paris 2017; The Egyptian Museum and Papyrus collection, Berlin 2017; Institute für die Kulturen des AltenOrientes (IANES) – AbteilungfürÄgyptologie; Tübingen Universität 2017; Institute fürAlterumswissenschaften – Ägyptologie; Johannes Gutenberg-Universität 2017; Digital Arabia Network Team- RAKAMEYA – DAN Digital 2020; Axiell Virtual User Conference: an online conference via Microsoft team application 2020;the Heritage Management Organization in Elesfina, Greece; UWICAHPG Conference through Skype at Swansea University – England 2020; the Current Research in Egyptology (CRE 2019) in Alcala, Spain 2019;  the Current Research in Egyptology (CRE 2018) in Prague 2018; 2nd International Doctoral Student Conference on Archaeology, Zagreb, Croatia IDSCA 2018; Graduate annual Research Discussion on Egypt and Nubia V in DAI Kairo-German Archaeological Institute Cairo 2018; and the Arab-African conference 2016.

Contact information

Mobile   +2 02 225 019 17    +2 0127 994 2495 

Email address: marwa.aton@gmail.com&rahotep.nefert@gmail.com


Documentation is the process of recording information about the collections for which a museum or cultural institution is responsible. Proper documentation will allow a museum to know what it has in its possession; prove ownership of objects, know if anything is missing; know where objects are located, and maintain information about collections. The lecture offers an overview of the entire scope of museum & cultural institution documentation: why is it important, how can it be used and how it contributes to the key missions of a museum: collection preservation, study, and publication.  It shed light on the history of the Documentation Department at the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. It discusses international documentation standers as well as a wide range of topics including: describing and collecting objects (Object ID- object type); Cataloguing objects; Photographing objects and computerized databases

Lecture 2

Title: Golden Treasures and Pyramids: Ancient Egypt in the mind of contemporary Egyptians

Date: Sunday, March 7th  

Duration: 18:00 – 19:00

Speaker: Dr. Fatma Keshk


Fatma Keshk is an Egyptologist, a heritage outreach expert and a storyteller. Through her work at archaeological sites in Egypt, Sudan and Europe, Fatma developed her expertise in archaeology and also in heritage outreach. Her encounter with the local communities allowed her to explore the overwhelming richness of Egyptian heritage, how it is perceived and how it can be regenerated through and for its people.

She worked with several local and international institutions and was the director of the archaeology and architecture section at the center of documentation of cultural and natural heritage at the Library of Alexandria. She acts as consultant for projects and institutions in the fields of archaeological site management, heritage outreach and community engagement. In January 2020, she received the cheer-leading award of the “Golden Cubes” competition from the Egyptian House of architecture for her first published story “A Tale of Shutb” that documents the heritage of Shutb village and produced in the framework of the Asyut Region Project of the British Museum.

Her current research concentrates on reconstructing the unknown history of Egyptian Egyptology and on exploring the perceptions of history by contemporary Egyptians. In 2019, she founded her own initiative “The Place and the People” for heritage outreach and education. 



Perspectives of ancient Egypt among contemporary Egyptians are as wide and varied as its long overwhelming history. These perceptions were shaped and in many cases also fixed through long ages of the modern times. They were shaped by displays of artefacts in Egyptian museums, historical publications made for general audiences and by the transferred narratives of exploring Egyptian antiquities since the 19th century. In the second half of the 20th century and since then, these views are also being shaped by fiction movies, literature and visual arts featuring ancient Egyptian inspirations. From a strong interest in the topic and in the light of the conference themes, this paper aims to present a review of the actual perceptions of ancient Egyptian heritage among various groups of audiences in contemporary Egypt. This review represents the initial results of an ongoing research started by the author since April 2016 on heritage knowledge in Egypt. This research aims to assess the various levels of knowledge of ancient heritage amongst today’s Egyptians. This research is based on several resources such as interviews with some of the visitors at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo in 2012 and a review of ancient Egyptian history in the governmental educational curricula in 2011-2012. A main resource for the research data is also the experience gained from heritage outreach workshops started since 2007 with the local communities in the surroundings of archaeological sites across Egypt (South Sinai, Aswan, Western Delta, Eastern Delta, Middle Egypt and in Nubia).

Lecture 3

Title: The Place and the People: Community Engagement in the Heritage Field in Egypt

Date and Time: Monday, March 8th  

Speaker: Dr. Fatma Keshk


 In contrast to past practices in field archaeology and heritage-based work in Egypt, there is a growing interest of including community engagement components in current projects. In order to fulfill the needs of various running projects, professionals are developing creative methods and tools to help engaging with wide groups of communities and stakeholders. Some achieved projects have already proven the power of community engagement for heritage-based work on various levels such as local development, heritage preservation and cultural education which has strongly confirmed the multiple aspects and benefits of such work. Based on twelve years of experience in this field in Sinai, Aswan, Asyut, Cairo and Rashid, this lecture aims to describe the actual scene of community engagement practices in heritage related projects through the presentation of successful methods and tools of developing effective community engagement plans as a first step of drafting general guidelines of engagement practices for people and institutions who are interested to reach out to larger groups of audience.

Lecture 4

Title: Museum Education and Curatorship Approaches Reflecting on ICOM Kyoto 2019 Mentoring Sessions. Let Experience Inspire You!

Date: Saturday, March 13th 

Duration: 18:00 – 19:00

Speaker: Shreen Amin


Director of the Children’s Museum of the Egyptian Museum; Supervisor of the Museum Education Departments in the Main Museums; and Responsible for the universities’ file in the Cultural Development Department, Minister’s Office (Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities); ITP fellow International Training Programme  British Museum; Ph.D. Candidate in Heritage and Museum Studies doctoral program, Helwan University; MA in Cultural Heritage Management and tourism studies. A Master degree, in accordance with the LMD system-Bologna Process (European Union Standards), awarded by the University of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne & A professional diploma in “Cultural Heritage Management” from the Université Française d’Egypte (French university in Egypt); Professional Diploma in Tour Guidance and tourism studies; Sinai High Institute for Tourism; BA of Archeology, Egyptology Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University; BA of English, Translation Department, from English to Arabic, Faculty of Arts & Translation, Open Cairo University; ICOM Member https://icom.museum/en/; UMAC voting Member http://umac.icom.museum, and a Researcher at The Cultural Heritage training and Education Center 

Contact information

Mobile: +2 01015206970 

Email Address:Shreenamin155@gmail.com


The lecture provides an overview of the approaches of Education & Curatorship discussed in ICOM Kyoto 2019 Mentoring Sessions showcasing the Japanese experience, and shedding light on best educational and curatorship practices undertaken by Kyoto’s Museums and Heritage sites. It covers a wide range of themes including:

Education themes: Education Programs – designing – learning strategy – Education recourses – Education Facilities – branches of programs’ evaluation

Curatorship Themes: exhibitions development-interactions with their audience – how museum objects are interpreted and interacted with- museum collections into spaces which can accessed by the broader public- digital tools and new methodologies

The lecture places of focus include: the University Museum of Kanasi; Kyoto history; Kyoto festival; Kyoto art works and culture, the museum of Kyoto – 京都文化博物館;Kyoto International Manga Museum 京都国際マンガミュージアム; Kyoto Museum of Traditional Crafts ; The National Museum ofModern Art, Kyoto; Kyoto Railway Museum; The Miho Museum Kyoto I.M.Pei設計の美術館。古代エジプト,ギリシャGenbudo Museum玄武洞ミュージアムは国の天然記念物である玄武洞公園入口にある博物館です。見ごたえある展示が多くあり体験コーナーもあります

Lecture 5

Title: Egyptian Experience in the Field of Repatriation of Antiquities: Retrieving 5000 Artifacts from the Museum of the Holy Bible in Washington, USA

Date: Saturday, March 27th 

Duration: 18:00 – 19:00

Speaker: Shaaban Abd El Gawad


 General Supervisor of the General Administration of Repatriation of Antiquities at the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities; Member of the Permanent Committee for Egyptian Antiquities at the Supreme Council of Antiquities; Member of the General Committee of the Foreign Exhibition; Member of the National Committee for the Repatriation of Antiquities; holder of a Postgraduate Certificate in Combating Illicit Traffic from the Arca Foundation in Rome Italy 2019; and an MA in the Faculty of Archeology Cairo University 2014


A lecture on the occasion of retrieving 5000 artifacts from the Museum of the Holy Bible in Washington, USA, which is an unprecedented achievement considering the large number of retrieved artifacts, their importance, and the fact that they were successfully retrieved from the largest market for Egyptian antiquities, the United States of America. The lecture shed light on the Egyptian experience in the field of repatriation of antiquities, and discusses the important artifacts recovered during the last five years; the countries that trade in Egyptian antiquities; obstacles and challenges of repatriation of antiquities; and the relevant international laws and treaties in this regard.  

Lecture 6

Title: Embalming and the Scientific Methods for Examining Mummies and Human Remains.

Date: Sunday, March 28th 

Duration: 18:00 – 19:00

Speaker: Dr. Rania Ahmed Ali 


Director of the Administration of conservation of mummies and human remains storeroom at the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities; PhD in Restoration, from Cairo university; an expert in the field of mummies conservation, nominated by the office of the Minister of Tourism and Antiquity to give advice in studying and developing an action plan for the treatment and conservation of Egyptian mummies in the museums of India; worked with the American expedition in the documentation of mummies in Egypt under the supervision of prof. Zahi Hawas, prof. Saleh Beder, and prof. F De Miller; articipated in the conservation and restoration of a number of mummies including:  the child mummy Amenhotep; the mummy of Sitre, the wet nurse of Hatshepsut; the skeleton of Buket from the new kingdom; the horse skeleton; as well as many Ibis mummies. 

Mail: mummy_con@hotmail.com

Tel: +201062335050 


The lecture explores human remains conservation ethics and values and analyzes embalming and the scientific methods for examining mummies and human remains. Museums that manage collections of this kind bear a particular responsibility, and conservators have a great role in such aspect. The lecture sheds light on the methods of embalming that the ancient Egyptians used. Such methods reflect their knowledge of anatomy, botany, and chemistry. It discusses the importance of the conservation of mummies in learning more about diseases suffered by the ancient Egyptians and their medical treatment, their average height; their life span, and their age at death. 

Lecture 7

Title: How to Attract Diverse Audiences Through Museums’ Exhibitions and Education Programs: The Experience of the German Museums of Art and Culture.

Date: Sunday, April 4th 

Duration: 18:00 -19:00

Speaker: Azza Elsayed


Director of the Education department at MECD. NMEC Education; Supervisor of the Museum Education Departments of the Regional Museums at the Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities; a Ph.D. Candidate in Heritage and Museum Studies Doctoral Program, Helwan University; ITP fellow International Training Programme of the British Museum


The lecture aims to present how museums are working to attract diverse audience and stay relevant and appealing to all. It shed light on the educational approaches and learning strategies of the German museums that were highly developed since the 1970s to become places of shared knowledge. 

Lecture 8

Title: Towards New Approaches for developing learning outcomes 

My Museum in your Classroom 


Date: Monday, April 5th 

Duration: 18:00 -19:00

Speaker: Abdelrahman Othman


Head of Technical Office’ Museums Sector at the Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities; Board Member of ICOM-ICME; Board Member of ICOM-ARAB; General Supervisor of the Egypt Documentation Project-EMC; PhD Candidate in the Heritage and Museum Studies Doctoral Program, Helwan University.

Email: abdo.nmec@gmail.com  

WhatsApp: (+2) 01065538000

The lecture aims to present the experience of (My Museum in Your Classroom) project, where distance is no longer a barrier to learn about Egyptian Cultural Heritage. It shed light on how to bring the museum experience to the classroom! Presenting examples of creative ways in which to deliver the Egyptian Cultural Heritage 

Lecture 9

Title: Storytelling: Message and Messenger 

Date: Wednesday, April 7th 

Duration: 18:00 – 19:00

Speaker: Gehane Nabil


Gehane Nabil is the director of the Grand Egyptian Museum Learning Center; a UNESCO expert of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage; a member of UNESCO Global Network of Facilitators – Intangible Cultural Heritage; a freelance storyteller of history and heritage, creating and implementing many per-formative storytelling events in various heritage sites and museums; and a story writer, having developed many fact-based and fictional stories related to history, intangible and under-water heritage. Gehane is a holder of a Master’s degree in Cultural Heritage Management. University Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne, Paris, France, and a PhD Candidate in Heritage and Museum Studies. Helwan University, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Heritage and Museum Studies Program, Cairo, Egypt.


Storytelling is emerging as one of the effective means of communicating messages concerning cultural heritage in museums and in other contexts such as schools, cultural centers, and heritage sites. However, storytelling requires close scrutiny especially concerning the content of the message transmitted, the techniques and media by which the message is presented, and, not least, the persona of the storyteller. These problematic dimensions of storytelling shall be discussed from the perspective of live events in which the researcher took part as creator and performer.